Ophoven is a neighborhood in the city Sittard, Limburg. On this page you'll find all information on the housing market, residents, agents and the supply of homes for sale in Ophoven.
Housing market
Ophoven, Sittard
These figures are based on 60 homes that were sold in Ophoven, Sittard over the past 12 months. More information
These figures are based on 60 homes that were sold in Ophoven, Sittard over the past 12 months. More information
Ophoven, Sittard
Number of residents
Age groups
- Ophoven NL
- < 15 year12%16%
- 15 - 24 year10%12%
- 25 - 44 year23%25%
- 45 - 64 year31%27%
- 65 year and over24%20%
- Ophoven NL
- Single household39%39%
- Family without children33%29%
- Family with children28%32%
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Ophoven, Sittard
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