PAR-3 Makelaars Logo

PAR-3 Makelaars

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Services & characteristics

  • Sale

  • Purchase

  • Appraisals

This is the ultimate challenge for me. Exercising the real estate profession in my own way. With heart and soul, passionate, involved, and very personal. Serious as well, using all my expertise.




Dutch, English, German

A promotional picture for the office


That is us, PAR-3 Real Estate Agents. We know Eindhoven and its far surroundings best. This is our home. You are at the right address if you wish to sell your house or if you are ready for another house. Or for an extensive valuation.


You may demand it from us. Constantly a sharp vision. Knowing what is going on, each and every day. Knowing who is ready for a new home or who wishes to sell his home. Also thanks to our membership of the NVM we have a clear picture of the entire real estate market of Eindhoven and its far surroundings. We are the spider that is wide awake in this dense web.


Buying or selling your house is one of the most important events of your life. It is a big step financially, but it also means a lot emotionally. We know this and therefore will always keep the human scale in our work. Personal involvement is a condition for a good, successful cooperation. You feel this, and so do we.


When you buy or sell a house you want the best price. You would rather see results today than tomorrow. Without too much red tape, without any trouble. We understand your need and head straight for the goals - with your wishes in mind. Together with you we accurately determine the price and all conditions. We determine the strategy and then go to work. And we remain constantly in contact with you about the state of affairs. Even after the purchase or sale.

It's yours for the asking

We invite you to ask us any questions you might have. Whatever it is you would like to know, you always get a clear answer from us. Help, advise, assistance, that is our profession ... and we enjoy what we do!


This office is a member of the NVM.

With over 4400 affiliated real estate agents/appraisers, the Dutch Cooperative Association of Real Estate Agents and Appraisers (NVM) is the largest membership organisation for real estate agents, appraisers and property experts. An NVM real estate agent is an expert in the field, is personally engaged and makes buying or selling a house a hassle-free process.

Read more


  • G.J.A.E.M. van de Meulengraaf - NVM Registered Agent
    G.J.A.E.M. van de MeulengraafNVM Registered Agent
  • A.J.P. Bergman - Commercial Employee
    A.J.P. BergmanCommercial Employee

Office details

Torenallee 20
  • Mo08:30 - 17:30
  • Tu08:30 - 17:30
  • We08:30 - 17:30
  • Th08:30 - 17:30
  • Fr08:30 - 17:30
  • SaClosed
  • SuClosed