My previous makelaar messed up my selling process which caused me a lot of delays in myselling. I contacted Jeroen and Kevin when I was really desperate. I decided to put my trust again on Jeroen. He really showed me how a good selling makelaar should be.
I gave me a lot of good tips on how to prepare for the photographing and viewing. It was hard at first that he pointed out many things that could be improved while you love your house so much but it worths at the end to listen to the expert.
He responded me super quickly when I had questions. All the viewings were scheduled and updated quickly with full report was provided after each viewing. This made me believe that my potential buyers would be treated in the same way. I believe it is key to respond quickly to the interests.
It was a completely different experience than the first one. I did not need to chase, I did not need to worry about anything. The process were very smooth.
Yes, they charge higher than other makelaars in Delft but trust me, you would not want to go for cheaper price and ended up living in uncertainty and needing to chase for every single actions. That is my honest lesson.
Special thanks to Jeroen and the team to make the sale happens!
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