Afrikaanderbuurt West

24 homes for sale
in Afrikaanderbuurt West, Tilburg

Welkom bij Corvellaar: Thuis wonen en werken in rust!
Laarstraat main image
Laarstraat secondary image
Laarstraat tertiary image

5025VK Tilburg

€ 575,000 v.o.n.
  • 130 m²
  • 2
  • A+++
Welkom bij Corvellaar: Thuis wonen en werken in rust!
Laarstraat 32-e main image
Laarstraat 32-e secondary image
Laarstraat 32-e tertiary image

Laarstraat 32-e  
5025VK Tilburg

€ 530,000 v.o.n.
  • 114 m²
  • 2
  • A+++
New development projectPart of new development project Corvellaar, Laarstraat 32 Tilburg
New development projectPart of new development project Corvellaar, Laarstraat 32 Tilburg
Sold under reservation
Type G (Bouwnr. 11) main image
New development projectPart of new development project Corvellaar, Laarstraat 32 Tilburg
Sold under reservation
Type I (Bouwnr. 31) main image
New development projectPart of new development project Corvellaar, Laarstraat 32 Tilburg
Sold under reservation
Type I (Bouwnr. 33) main image
New development projectPart of new development project Corvellaar, Laarstraat 32 Tilburg
Sold under reservation
Type I (Bouwnr. 29) main image
New development projectPart of new development project Corvellaar, Laarstraat 32 Tilburg
Sold under reservation
Type I (Bouwnr. 27) main image
New development projectPart of new development project Corvellaar, Laarstraat 32 Tilburg
Sold under reservation
Type I (Bouwnr. 25) main image
New development projectPart of new development project Corvellaar, Laarstraat 32 Tilburg
Sold under reservation
Type I (Bouwnr. 13) main image
New development projectPart of new development project Corvellaar, Laarstraat 32 Tilburg
Sold under reservation
Type I (Bouwnr. 23) main image
New development projectPart of new development project Corvellaar, Laarstraat 32 Tilburg
Sold under reservation
Type I (Bouwnr. 15) main image
New development projectPart of new development project Corvellaar, Laarstraat 32 Tilburg
Sold under reservation
Type I (Bouwnr. 17) main image
New development projectPart of new development project Corvellaar, Laarstraat 32 Tilburg
Sold under reservation
Type I (Bouwnr. 19) main image
New development projectPart of new development project Corvellaar, Laarstraat 32 Tilburg
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Homes for sale in Afrikaanderbuurt West, Tilburg

Searching for homes for sale in Afrikaanderbuurt West, Tilburg? On Funda you will find 24 homes for sale in Afrikaanderbuurt West, Tilburg.