I do not believe that 1.5% of the sale price was value for money.
What did Dekker not do?
1. Keep their (verbal) promise that they would handle everything, and I would not have to return to The Netherlands. I had moved to another country.
2. Attend the Open House. They said they were too busy. They said that the Open House would not be possible unless I returned to do it. The buyer came from the Open House.
3. Find a buyer – as far as I was made aware they showed the apartment to 2 people who had contacted them. The buyer came from the open house for which I had to return to The Netherlands at my expense and inconvenience.
What did Dekker do?
1. Organise the photos – that took 2 attempts as they gave the photographer the wrong keys on the first attempt. I had to send a photo identifying the keys. This was worrying at the time.
2. Collate information I provided.
3. Advertise the apartment on Funda.
4. Reduce the price after their initial assessment was deemed too high.
5. Make a phone call to Kringloop to have the apartment cleared of furniture. Dekker told me that clearance was unlikely. Kringloop cleared the flat within days.
6. Take final meter readings.
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