The Hague Real Estate Services

Full Service Professional Reliable Personal

The Hague Real Estate Services

Beoordelingen gemiddelde


Het gemiddelde is gebaseerd op 149 beoordelingen in de laatste 24 maanden.
De makelaar nodigde afgelopen jaar 39% van de klanten uit voor het schrijven van een beoordeling.
Hoe komen deze beoordelingen tot stand? Lees meer.

Verhuur beoordelingen

Dhr. Meijssen
Badhuisweg 115 K
Ik zou deze makelaar aanbevelen.
The best real estate agent for finding top class rental properties for expats in The Hague. Excellent support both for people who would like to rent an apartment, but also for owners of quality apartments. Highly recommended.
Lokale marktkennis
Prijs / kwaliteit
Service en begeleiding
Een funda gebruiker
Mient 585
Ik zou deze makelaar aanbevelen.
The Hague Real Estate Service gives very good quality and professional advice to the person who wants to rent and to the landlord / lady. We are very satisfied with them.
Lokale marktkennis
Prijs / kwaliteit
Service en begeleiding
Een funda gebruiker
Lage Zand 480
Ik zou deze makelaar aanbevelen.
I decided to choose 'thres' team because from the beginning when contacting agents, they were the most responsive. Through the whole process from the beginning to the end they continuously communicated and maintained me in the loop of everything related to the renting of my property. I reached out to them in the fall of 2023, and my focal points were Mandy and Manon, who were very knowledgeable, and expeditious, Manon even remembered me and my property from a first attempt of renting back in 2021. They both were able to clearly manage my expectations and clearly inform me on the current state of the house market in the city, rental period, prices, and modalities. They submitted all information for review, I provided my comments, and answered a thousand questions I had regarding the process as it was my first time putting my apt. up for rent. Through the rental process itself, I had Julian and Daniel who were managing the interested tenants. They were great in communicating anything related to the showing of the property, checking my availability, informing me in advance of potential dtaes and times, providing feedback after each viewing, and making recommendations when required. Both of them also advised me when I had doubts regarding on a way forward, and with the selection of clients. Later on, with the information of handover, check-in, and payment, the same experience. Great and timely communication, and answering every little question I had. Overall, the 'thres' team were truly impeccable. I will definitely work with them in the future and recommend them.
Lokale marktkennis
Prijs / kwaliteit
Service en begeleiding
Een funda gebruiker
Barentszstraat 37 B
Ik zou deze makelaar aanbevelen.
The Hague Real Estate Services is een fijne makelaar waar ik al jaren mee werk wat betreft mijn verhuur panden. Vriendelijk en bereikbaar, doortastend en goede service. Snel verhuurd ook weer en alle zorgen uit handen. Ik kan ze zeker aanraden en dat doe ik dus ook.
Lokale marktkennis
Prijs / kwaliteit
Service en begeleiding